Friday, January 23, 2009


If someone asked me to name the first movie that comes to my mind that is the most badass action movie I could think of, I would say Die Hard. I'm a huge fan of the entire series and can watch any of them over and over. So for my little John McClane tribute name the movies that he played these characters in. Some of these are fairly tough so I included the years that the movies were released in.

  1. Butch Coolidge (1994 you aren't a real movie fan if you don't know this one)
  2. John Smith (1996)
  3. Korben Dallas (1997)
  4. David Dunn (2000)
  5. Hartigan (2005)
  6. Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski (2000)
  7. Harry S. Stamper (1998)


Doublebanker said...

Die Hard is one of my favorites bad ass movie pick is probably Terminator 2. Saw it in the theater when I was 12 or so.

Check out the girl rolling her's freaky

Shawn said...

Okay, let's see what I can do with this one:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. hmm. . .1996, Mercury Rising?
3. ??
4. Unbreakable
5. Um. . .Sin City, possibly
6. The Whole Nine Yards
7. Sounds really familiar, but it's a no go.

Krueger said...

not bad...these were tough
1-Pulp Fiction
2-Last Man Standing
3-Fifth Element
5-Sin City
6-The Whole Nine Yards